Intern with Sanare!

Sanare [Sa-nà-re]

is the Italian verb meaning: to heal, cure, to put right, to restore


Sanare PSR strives to provide excellent community-based clinical psychosocial rehabilitation to reduce the impact of mental health symptoms to holistically improve the quality of life for those we serve.


To support and inspire people to live empowered, connected, purposeful lives.


Perseverance. Strive to adapt

Client-Centered. The greatest good for the client

Goodwill. Compassionate goodwill to self and others

Humanity. Relationships are at the root of what we do and why we do it

Inspiration. Instilling hope

Integrity. Ethics in all practices

Job Description:

Provide 1:1 psychosocial rehabilitation to clients in their home and community. Have the ability to integrate and apply counseling skills, coaching, case management skills, in a variety of settings and environments with a variety of clients. Ability to self-direct and work independently, while under clinical supervision and with support.

  • We are accepting applications for one year internships beginning September 2024.

  • We are able to supervise those students working toward:





  • The clinical leadership of Sanare have over 25 years of behavioral health experience each. We provide weekly group supervision, weekly individual supervision as well as daily availability for issues that may arise. We communicate and coordinate with your school field placement officer.

  • An internship with Sanare provides a rich learning environment with exposures to various different clinical diagnosis. The clinical leadership will ensure that you have the ability to learn and practice a wide variety of basic counseling & case management skills during your program.

  • We have a strong desire to maintain a positive, growth oriented work environment. We are a woman owned and operated small business.